From the Affordable Care Act to Medicaid expansion, news about health care is constantly changing.
From the Affordable Care Act to Medicaid expansion, news about health care is constantly changing. Stay up to date with the latest health care news and legislation with our comprehensive coverage.
Utah Legislature poised to override Governor’s veto of bills that address separation of powers The Utah state legislature will convene to vote to override Governor Herbert’s veto of two bills and a budget line-item veto [...]
President Trump signs McCain sponsored bill to expand the Amber Alert program to Indian Country The McCain bill, cosponsored by ND Sen. Heidi Heitkamp (D), is a bi-partisan effort to address gaps [...]
It’s difficult to find an area of the country that has been untouched by the scourge of opioids. According to the Center for Disease Control, opioid-related deaths quadrupled from 1999 to 2015. Several states have [...]
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