What is a Brownfield?

A brownfield is a property, expansion, redevelopment, or reuse of which may be complicated by the presence or potential presence of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant. Approximately 450,000 brownfields exist in the United States.  The cleaning up and reuse of these properties have benefits, including increasing local tax bases, facilitating job growth, leveraging private investment, and utilizing existing infrastructure. By taking development pressures off greenfield and open land, brownfield redevelopment both improves and protects the environment.

Digital Illustration by Alana Burman

What kind of Brownfield funding is available?

Since its inception in 1995, EPA’s Brownfields & Land Revitalization Program has grown into a proven, purposeful program that has changed the way contaminated property is perceived, addressed, and managed. EPA provides funding and technical assistance to communities, states, tribes, and other stakeholders, giving them resources they need to prevent, assess, safely clean up, and sustainably reuse brownfield sites.  Various grants are available to support revitalization efforts by funding environmental assessment, cleanup, and job training activities.

Application Deadline

The FY 2021 Brownfields Multipurpose, Assessment, and Cleanup Grants have a submission deadline of October 28, 2020.

Next Steps?

  • Check out DMGS’ tips for successful grant writing.
  • Contact Michael P. Pehur (mppehur@dmgs.com), Development Finance Consulting Director for DMGS, today to discuss your project.

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