Legislative Update:
Blockchain Technology & Cryptocurrency

One of the top tech trends over the last several years has been the increasingly growing use of blockchain technology and related cryptocurrencies. Since we last reviewed the topic in an August 2018 blog post, there have been some new developments in the state-level regulatory framework, and there appear to be new items not far over in the horizon here in 2019. Read more here.

Legislative Update: 5G Wireless Deployment

The nationwide implementation of 5G wireless technology has not been without its challenges. Catch up on the latest developments in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Maryland, Nebraska, & West Virginia here.

Fiscal 2019 Spending Agreement

With the President’s national emergency declaration filling up most of the news, you could be forgiven for missing the fact that the President signed the spending compromise brokered by Congressional Republicans & Democrats to keep the government open for 2019. To see how each appropriation ended up, read more here.

This Week in the States

  • District of Columbia – Metro considers subsidizing ridesharing
  • Virginia – NVA remains poised for Amazon as it pulls out of NY
  • Missouri – Proposal in Missouri legislature tweaks the voter-approved redistricting plan
  • Texas – Voters in four states have approved Medicaid expansion by ballot. Will Texas do the same?
  • California – California governor proposes ‘new data dividend’ that could call on Facebook and Google to pay users
  • Ohio – Ohio lawmakers consider raising gas tax to fix the roads
  • Wisconsin – Wisconsin Senate votes on tax cut, but it faces a likely veto from Gov. Tony Evers
  • Texas – State bill would fund all-day Pre-K in Texas
  • Mississippi – Mississippi ban on tanning beds for those under 18 advances
  • Colorado – Colorado legal pot industry sales grew 3 percent in 2018, top $6 billion since recreational use began
  • Georgia – Georgia might tax Netflix and downloads
  • Montana – Montana Legislative Roundup
  • North Carolina – Legislature to take another look at changing liquor sales
  • Michigan – Michigan Governor Whitmer To Focus on Jobs and Roads in Tuesday’s State of the State
  • Arkansas – Douglas: Time Has Come for Online Sales Tax in Arkansas
  • Nevada – Gun background check bill introduced in Nevada Legislature
  • Indiana – Indiana lawmakers considering casino moves, sports betting
  • Maine – Mills avoids tax hikes, boosts school aid in $8 billion spending plan hit from left and right

Duane Morris Government Strategies can provide your business or organization with the solutions it needs to track these and other developments in state capitals across the country.

To learn more, please contact us at info@dmgs.com or 609-577-3687

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