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So far statecapitallobbyist has created 320 blog entries.

Mental Health and COVID-19 Recovery


Digital Collage by Alana Burman, source images via and May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and with the public focus on COVID-19 and the pandemic recovery, it seems fitting to discuss the place of mental health in that recovery. Mental health and behavioral health care have been long-standing areas of concern for the [...]

Mental Health and COVID-19 Recovery2020-05-06T09:00:00-04:00

COVID-19 and States Reopening


Digital Collage by Alana Burman By the Duane Morris Team With conflicting messages from various sources and different levels of government, states have been taking action to reopen or at least to set the groundwork for reopening when they decide the time is right.  Many businesses and individuals are eager to get back to life [...]

COVID-19 and States Reopening2023-09-11T00:36:54-04:00

Energy Industry & Covid-19


Digital Illustration by Alana Burman; Source Images Courtesy of COVID-19 has disrupted every industry and economic sector.  Its impact on the U.S. domestic energy supply chain is of concern for everyone.  Added to this concern is the drop in oil and gas prices before most of the United States went under lockdown, and the [...]

Energy Industry & Covid-192020-04-22T09:30:00-04:00

Clean Energy Highlights: U.S. 2020: Part 4 of 4


Photo courtesy of Bottom of Form According to Utility Dive, “[i]n 2019, five states and Puerto Rico, adopted laws targeting 100% clean energy, while three governors issued executive orders with similar goals.”  According to Utility Dive, “[t]wo significant factors driving the trend were the federal government's continued changes to climate and other environmental policies, and [...]

Clean Energy Highlights: U.S. 2020: Part 4 of 42020-03-26T09:36:53-04:00

Clean Energy Highlights: U.S. 2020: Part 3 of 4


Photo courtesy of This is part 2 of our 4 part series on 2020 Energy Trends. Governments and Administrations will band together to overcome barriers to clean energy According to the WRI, after cities sign clean energy commitments and begin to identify options to increase renewable energy use, barriers are sometimes encountered by government [...]

Clean Energy Highlights: U.S. 2020: Part 3 of 42023-09-11T00:36:55-04:00

Interstate Agreements and Interstate Compacts


By Alana Burman As the Internet and increased interconnectivity have expanded, state government officials have come to rely upon interstate compacts and agreements to navigate how their decisions affect neighboring areas.  The main difference between compacts and agreements is the level of formality.  Both serve to provide a unified goal in coordination and planning across [...]

Interstate Agreements and Interstate Compacts2023-09-11T01:31:36-04:00

Clean Energy Highlights: U.S. 2020: Part 2 of 4


Picture courtesy of This is part 2 of our 4 part series on 2020 Energy Trends. Increasing questions about the future of natural gas The EIA still expects natural gas to be the dominant generating resource in the U.S. through 2050.  A study released in September found that if all currently proposed gas plants are built, [...]

Clean Energy Highlights: U.S. 2020: Part 2 of 42023-09-11T00:36:57-04:00

Clean Energy Highlights: U.S. 2020: Part 1 of 4


Photo by Pok Rie from Pexels Energy generation and distribution is a matter of national security for the United States.  Recent domestic investments into renewable energy generation have allowed the US to increase its energy independence and security. According to the Energy Information Administration (“EIA”), renewable adoption grew solidly across the country in 2019.  The EIA also “forecasts [...]

Clean Energy Highlights: U.S. 2020: Part 1 of 42023-09-11T00:36:58-04:00

Electric Vehicles in 2020: NJ and CA


As climate change becomes a growing concern for States and communities, electric vehicle infrastructure has become a slow morning trend but one that is building momentum as more state- and municipal-level entities work to improve efficiency, lower emissions, and upgrade infrastructure. New Jersey Under a new law, S2252, signed by Governor Phil Murphy, New Jersey [...]

Electric Vehicles in 2020: NJ and CA2023-09-11T00:36:59-04:00

Education Trends for 2020


Safety Interoperability is a growing trend in school safety measures.  School safety and security is becoming an increasing concern for parents, students, and school districts.  Even schools that utilize modern radio and camera networks are finding they really are not cutting it.  With schools dealing with system failures, emergency coordination and response times, and communication [...]

Education Trends for 20202020-01-22T09:16:18-05:00
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