Technology and government are increasingly intertwined in today's world.
Technology and government are increasingly intertwined in today’s world. From the development of new laws and regulations to the implementation of new technologies, the relationship between the two is ever-evolving. On this page, you’ll find the latest news and headlines about the intersection of technology and government, including the latest legislation and regulations.
Digital image by Ryan Stevens; image source by Julien Tromeur from Pixabay Autonomous vehicles have automated driving systems that allow for self-driving, with little or no human input. While fully automated vehicles are not readily available at this [...]
Digital collage by Ryan Stevens; image sources by PublicDomainPictures, Clker-Free-Vector-Images, & A life without animals is not worth living from Pixabay According to the NHTSA, speeding killed 9,378 people in the United States in 2018. Speeding was [...]
Digital collage by Ryan Stevens; image sources by David Mark & Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay The sale of electric bicycles—or e-bikes—is expected to grow from 3.7 million in 2019 to 17 million by 2030, with potentially 10 million e-bikes [...]
Digital image by Ryan Stevens; image source by Thomas Ehrhardt from Pixabay Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs)—more commonly known as drones—are precisely what their name suggests—crewless aerial vehicles that do not carry a human operator and instead are remotely [...]
H.R. 8337 would extend government funding through December 11, 2020, averting a government shutdown that would otherwise begin October 1. The continuing resolution (CR) would generally extend fiscal 2020 funding levels while including some “anomalies” [...]
Digital Illustration by Alana Burman What exactly is 5G? 5G is the next, and fifth, generation of wireless network technology, built to be faster and improve upon the existing 4G network. As 5G began to [...]
Digital Illustration by Alana Burman As our society develops the latest technology, government regulations are not far behind. Over the last few years, lawmakers in various states across the country have grappled with the issue [...]
As of Friday afternoon, the House & Senate have both passed H.R. 748, the CARES Act, which provides roughly $2 trillion to individuals, businesses, and states in response to the global coronavirus pandemic. The bill, [...]
Digital Illustration by Alana Burman RUSSIA AND CRYPTOCURRENCY[1] Russia has struggled to pass cryptocurrency reform for over two years, since January 2018. Various government agencies and the central bank worked on several different bills—including the [...]
PENNSYLVANIA Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Pennsylvania and federal transportation officials have designated hundreds of miles of Alternative Fuel Corridors through a federal program, the 2015 “Fixing America’s Surface Transportation” or FAST Act, designed to help the [...]
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