
States Address Local School Vaccine Policies


Photo credit: With school starting across the country, whether children need to be vaccinated against COVID-19 has been attracting renewed attention in state legislatures. States like California and New Jersey have begun introducing new legislation that requires students to receive the vaccination. However, some states, like Iowa, prohibit school boards from requiring immunizations against [...]

States Address Local School Vaccine Policies2023-09-11T00:39:12-04:00

COVID Vaccine Mandates & Testing Requirements


Digital collage by Ryan Stevens; image source by torstensimon from Pixabay  On August 23rd, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration fully approved the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine for those 16 years and older.  In announcing the vaccine’s approval, Acting FDA Commissioner Janet Woodcock noted that they hope the full FDA approval will instill additional confidence for people to [...]

COVID Vaccine Mandates & Testing Requirements2023-09-11T01:30:57-04:00

Vaccine Passport Legislation & Executive Orders


Map created by Peter Brath with The Biden administration has publicly announced that it does not intend to implement a vaccine passport system nationally. Nevertheless, many states have taken action on their own to either implement vaccine requirements or ban them via vaccine passport legislation or executive action (vaccine passport executive orders). Oregon and [...]

Vaccine Passport Legislation & Executive Orders2023-09-11T01:31:03-04:00
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