Technology and government are increasingly intertwined in today's world.
Technology and government are increasingly intertwined in today’s world. From the development of new laws and regulations to the implementation of new technologies, the relationship between the two is ever-evolving. On this page, you’ll find the latest news and headlines about the intersection of technology and government, including the latest legislation and regulations.
Photo credit: The right to repair is the concept that consumers have the right to repair, modify, and maintain the products they own without being restricted or penalized by the manufacturer or third-party service [...]
Photo credit: With about 72% of Americans using social media to share their thoughts, access information, or seek entertainment, social media companies’ content moderation policies and practices have become a topic of conversation. Three-quarters [...]
Photo credit: On August 7, 2022, the U.S. Senate passed a landmark tax, climate, and healthcare bill, setting up the legislation for House approval and President Joe Biden’s signature. After over a year of negotiations, [...]
Digital image by Ryan Stevens; image sources by TheDigitalArtist and QuinceCreative from Pixabay In 2021, we examined the issues of regulating cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. As a refresher, cryptocurrency is a digital or virtual currency secured [...]
Digital collage by Ryan Stevens; image sources by julientromeur & TheDigitalArtist from Pixabay As we noted last year, autonomous vehicles (AVs) have automated driving systems that allow for self-driving, with little or no human input. [...]
Digital collage by Ryan Stevens; image sources by geralt and Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), speeding killed 9,478 people in 2019. NHTSA also reported that speeding had been [...]
Digital collage by Ryan Stevens; image sources by qimono, Josy_Dom_Alexis, stux, & OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay According to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), 29 people in the United States die every day in [...]
Digital image by Ryan Stevens; image source by by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay In September 2020, Portland, Oregon, approved ordinances banning the use of face recognition technologies by the city’s bureaus and private entities in public spaces. Since [...]
Digital image by Ryan Stevens; image source by xresch from Pixabay In June, DMGS covered cryptocurrency legislation and provided the latest updates in Arizona, Florida, Hawaii, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Texas. Lawmakers are also noticing the technology behind [...]
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