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So far statecapitallobbyist has created 320 blog entries.

States and Cities Faceoff Over Natural Gas Bans


Digital image by Ryan Stevens; image sources by Josy Dom Alexis & Magnascan from Pixabay  In July 2019, Berkeley, California, became the first city in the United States to ban natural gas connections for new buildings. The ban went into effect at the beginning of 2020, and as California works toward a zero-carbon energy grid, many other cities [...]

States and Cities Faceoff Over Natural Gas Bans2023-09-11T01:43:51-04:00

State & Federal Firearm Legislation & Action – Spring 2021 Highlights


Digital image by Ryan Stevens; image sourced by Brett Hondow from Pixabay 2020 saw a 25% surge in homicides and non-suicide-related shootings. There were 4,000 more firearm deaths and more than 9,000 firearm-related injuries in 2020 than in 2019. In response to the nationwide uptick in gun violence, several states and the U.S. government are considering measures to [...]

State & Federal Firearm Legislation & Action – Spring 2021 Highlights2023-09-11T00:36:15-04:00

Vaccine Passport Legislation & Executive Orders


Map created by Peter Brath with The Biden administration has publicly announced that it does not intend to implement a vaccine passport system nationally. Nevertheless, many states have taken action on their own to either implement vaccine requirements or ban them via vaccine passport legislation or executive action (vaccine passport executive orders). Oregon and [...]

Vaccine Passport Legislation & Executive Orders2023-09-11T01:31:03-04:00

States Lifting Mask Mandates


Digital collage by Ryan Stevens; image source by Anastasia Gepp from Pixabay  As the CDC updates its COVID guidance to allow vaccinated people to go maskless, many state legislatures are beginning to scale back or dissolve their COVID restrictions altogether. The following states are lifting their mask mandates or banning mask mandates. California: California plans to align [...]

States Lifting Mask Mandates2023-09-11T01:43:52-04:00

2021 Minimum Wage Legislation


Digital collage by Ryan Stevens; image sources by Gerd Altmann & Mediamodifier from Pixabay  The current federal minimum wage for covered nonexempt workers is $7.25 per hour.  However, many states have their own minimum wage laws.  For example, 16 states and Puerto Rico have minimum wages that equal the federal rate, 29 states and the District of [...]

2021 Minimum Wage Legislation2023-09-11T00:36:18-04:00

Plastic Bag Ban Legislation


Digital image by Ryan Stevens; image sources by RitaE and OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay  States and municipalities across the country are banning plastic bags in force. In most of the United States, single-use plastic bags cannot be economically recycled. Because of this, bag use prohibition can mitigate harmful environmental impacts on states and municipalities and relieve pressure on [...]

Plastic Bag Ban Legislation2023-09-11T00:36:20-04:00

Utility and Eviction Moratoriums: How State Governments Are Responding in 2021


Digital Collage by Ryan Stevens; Image source by Tumisu from Pixabay  In response to the continuing pandemic, state governments across the country have instituted and extended moratoria on eviction proceedings, mortgage foreclosures, and utility shutoffs.  Many of the nation’s largest states have an eviction moratorium in place until at least March. In addition, the Centers for Disease Control [...]

Utility and Eviction Moratoriums: How State Governments Are Responding in 20212023-09-11T00:36:23-04:00

2021 Redistricting: Reform Update and Preview


Digital Collage by Ryan Stevens; source images by DEZALB and WikimediaImages from Pixabay In 2021, as new legislative sessions begin across the nation, state and congressional voting districts will be redrawn based on population data from the 2020 U.S. Census. 2021 redistricting will be a focal point for state legislatures across the country this year. Traditionally, state legislatures [...]

2021 Redistricting: Reform Update and Preview2023-09-11T01:43:55-04:00

DMGS 2020 Election Guide


Download the DMGS Election Guide and Results Tracker - click below. Keep up with the various important national races and see what candidates must-win scenarios are! DMGS-Election-Tracker_UPDATED-11.14Download

DMGS 2020 Election Guide2020-10-22T10:44:27-04:00

How Will U.S. Students Learn in the 2020-2021 School Year: UPDATED


A look at what every state and major counties are doing to bring education to kids in the age of coronavirus and amid a pandemic. Alabama Alabama plans to reopen its schools on time for the Fall season.  K-12 public schools will reopen as early as August, though it is still unclear how many students [...]

How Will U.S. Students Learn in the 2020-2021 School Year: UPDATED2023-09-11T01:44:05-04:00
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